Pinky alerted me the other day that "Legally Blonde - the musical" will be shown in MTV. At first I was thinking that I would not be able to watch it cause it was overlapping with Desperate Housewives and Brothers and Sisters. I love those shows. But after checking the times (6 central), it looked like I was destined to watch it after all. I like Legally Blonde the movie so I was certain that I would find the musical version amusing as well. Plus I already know the story so I would not be confused with it as I often find myself with other musical (e.g. Pirate Queen). If I were a critic, I would give this musical 5 star rating. "Brilliant!" "Fantastic!" "So refereshing" "Riveting." "Tear Jerker." (well it made me cryolla khomeni several times). From the actors to the dance routines to the songs, everything was just very entertaining. I especially like the character of Emmett. He is such a good person. Somebody that you can easily respect and like. He worked his way through law school so that he can give his mom a better life... He saw the good in Elle when almost everybody else only saw a ditsy blond. Plus it helps that he is cute. And the hair Luisa.... I would love to comb my fingers through them. Yum... Love his voice as well. So soothing, warm and manly. He is the kind of guy that you would like to bring home to meet mama. I wonder if he likes tinola, chicharon bulaklak and batchoy? hmmmm.... Going back to the musical, I also like the other men in the show except Professor Callahan (DOM). The UPS guy is bootylicious, and Warner is so A&F! But if I have to pick and choose between the three guys, Emmett will win for sure. No contest. Some of my friends who knows me will be somewhat surprise that I picked Emmett over Warner. But life is full of surprises. And the female cast members were also good. They sing and dance very well indeed. Very accomplished. I like 90% of the songs in this muscial. I am not yet very familiar with them since I only saw it once. Perhaps I should buy the soundtrack so that I sing along with the music like I do with "Miss Saigon". I would love to watch this show in broadway. (I wonder what Tita Lani will be doing during new years weekend). Perhaps I will follow Lani and Pinky's example and wait at the backdoor for the casts to come out. And you know who I will be waiting for... :-)
(picture above taken from legallyblondthemusical.com)