When it comes to surfing online profile in gay social networking sites, I would be dishonest if I say that I never discriminate against others. In as much as I try to be more evolved and worldly, I am still a slave to my taste and desires. I know what I fancy and I know what does not float my boat. At the same time I am civilized enough to know that there are tactful way of discriminating people that is not hurtful and offensive. I should know better cause I have been discriminated enough publicly. And it does not feel good to be excluded for being something that I can not change.
So for physical features like race, age, height and weight, I never openly proclaim against them in my online profile. Same goes for HIV status. I do not say I only am interested in a certain race, certain age group, HIV negative, certain height or certain weight. I may have a preference on certain kind in those categories but I just do not feel that need to write them down. If I get a message from those groups that I do not desire, I consider it a compliment and would thank them accordingly. Race, age, HIV status, height and weight are features that people can not change. Although one might argue that weight can be change but it takes time. So if I have to discriminate, I do it privately. I just won't chat or exchange messages with those certain groups that I do not fancy.
And then there are things that are purely the choice of an individual that I discriminate publicly in my profile. That includes profile without face pictures posted. These people choose to not post a picture so I have no qualm proclaiming that I will not chat with them. There are also physical features that I will discriminate publicly like facial hair, long hair and ungroomed body hair. Anybody can change these things easily so if they choose to be that way, it should not be hurtful if I say I am into clean shaven, clean cut, manscaped body hair. Although I do not mind dating a smoker, there are other people I have seen that discriminate against smokers. I think it is OK to do that cause a smoker can quit if they really want to. Same goes for drug users. If they don't like being discriminated, then quit using drugs. On rare occasions, I have seen people discriminate against Republicans. Republicans are not gay friendly so those gay Republicans can choose not to support such a political party. Religious views, hobbies and sexual activity preference are all choices so if they get discriminated, then so be it.
That is how I am with my online dealings in gay social networking sites. I let common sense dictate my online behavior. As Confucius say in the Golden Rule: "
One should treat others as one would like others to treat oneself."