As the year come to an end, I ponder about what I have done. Well making my house a home was definitely one of my major accomplishment. But since I was so busy with my house and work, I did not get a chance to travel abroad at all. There was a time when I would travel abroad every 2 years. It has been 5 years now since I was last abroad. So for my new year resolution, I would like to travel again in the coming year or next. Australia, Africa, India and Egypt are a few in my places to see.
Monday, December 29, 2014
Thursday, December 25, 2014
Saturday, December 20, 2014
Ghetto neighbor
This is the front door of one of my neighbor. As you can see, they used an area rug to cover the hole on the door. Evidently, the glass portion of the door was shattered and they had not had the chance to get it fix or change the door. Well the thing is, this situation has been going on for a year now. It was like that since I move to the neighborhood over a year ago. Too poor to get it fix? Perhaps, but I do not think so. It would probably cost several hundreds at the most to get this fix but they choose not to do it. Instead they used their money to throw loud backyard party at night almost every other month. They have 3 teenage boys and they often have those loud unruly parties on weekends. Rap and hip hop music blaring pass midnight with underage drinking on the streets. There would always be a lot of empty beer cans or bottles littered on our street the next morning after their parties. So if they have the funds to finance parties that often, why can't they fix their door? I say their priorities are in the wrong place. A perfect example of ghetto behavior.
Tuesday, December 16, 2014
Candy Cane lane of Santa Clarita
We recently went to check out the Holiday Lights on the houses at Santa Clarita. It's called "candy cane lane". There were a lot of people checking out the lights so we were not able to park the car and walk around. We just drove slowly around the street. Here are some pictures.
Friday, December 12, 2014
Tuesday, December 09, 2014
Tacky Holiday lights.
I like this season for the Holiday lights that most houses put up. I myself put up a good amount of lights on my front yard. But when it comes to Holiday lights, I find blow up characters tacky. You be the judge.
Friday, December 05, 2014
Sunday, November 30, 2014
Pre Black friday success.
Belated Thanksgiving to everyone. Yeah let us celebrate the European whites killing the native Americans and taking their land. Haha. But I diverge. Well, Thanksgiving came and went. So did Black Friday shopping mania. This Thanksgiving, me and my mom decided to skip the meal and "celebration" and take advantage of the big shopping deals. We went to Santa Clarita Walmart and bought some stuffs we needed. Then we decided we do not want to wait there with the crowd waiting for the door buster deals. We got out so fast afraid of being trampled to death. It was not worth it. We were not that poor or that desperate for a deal to save a couple of bucks. On our way home, we decided to pass by a Kohl's for some deals we saw on the papers. There was a line outside so we left since lining up for >30 minutes till they open the doors was just too much. As we arrive at the valley, it was 6 PM and Kohl's was to opening that time. So we passed by the Kohl's near my house and the line was moving . So I decided to line up since it was a short wait. As I entered the store with all the other eager shoppers, I headed straight up to the Home Appliance section to grab that griddle and slow cooker for $7.99 each! There was a lot of people up there but not as chaotic as I thought it would be. Perhaps the people at Kohl's are more tamed than Walmart... I saw the griddle and grabbed one. I searched and searched for the slow cooker in vane. Then I saw a mother and daughter team with a cart and boxes in them. One of the box was the slow cooker on sale. I asked and they directed me to the pile in the middle of the aisle away from where I was searching. I grabbed the slow cooker box and balanced the two boxes on my way down to meet my mom and check out. My mom suggested that we should grab a few more to give as gifts so I rushed back up to get a few more. To my surprise there were a lot of boxes left. It looks like that if you get to the store within 30 minutes of opening, you will be able to get the door busters deal. This was a realization. Now I know how these door busters deals work. There may be a lot of pushing and shoving at Walmart or other lower end stores but for the most part, it was pretty doable. So from now on, Thanksgiving for me is shopping!
Sunday, November 16, 2014
Pippin comes to Pantages Theatre
Ever since the revival of Pippin happened in Broadway, I have wanted to see it. So when I found out that it was coming to LA, I decided I must see it. Then my friend told me that Matthew James Thomas will be performing the role of Pippin for the LA shows. Matthew is cute and my friends gave him a rave review. Matthew was the original cast of Pippin in Broadway. That got me even more excited watching Pippin.
The day of the show arrived. As I got my program, I dreaded seeing that small white piece of paper they insert to indicate who will be subbing for whom. Alas, my worst fear was realized as I saw that I won't be seeing Matthew perform as Pippin. In his place was Kyle Dean Massey. I did not know anything about Kyle so I was pissed. Really pissed. My day was ruined! For the first two songs, I sat there fuming over the fact that I won't see Matthew. I felt robbed! Then Kyle grew on me. He was cute and he was good. And when he took off his shirt, I was taken aback at how hunky he is. Also the whole production was lively and riveting that I forgot about Matthew. I love the acrobatics of the show. So different from the Pippin I saw on video with William Katt and Ben Vereen. It was like Cirque du soleil meets Broadway. Love the iconic Fosse dance moves. I love most of the songs. I did not care much for Catherine and her songs but it was not that bad. In fact I enjoyed the whole show that much that I decided to cough out 25 dollars to get the cast album at the lobby on my way out. I listened to it in the car and visualized the show as I listen. To this day, I still listen to the album in my car every time. After reading more about Kyle, I realized that he is not some nobody understudy but was an accomplished Broadway actor. This further improved my opinion of the show I saw. In fact, Pippin is becoming one of my fave shows.
Our Pippin, dreamy Kyle Dean Massey.
Friday, October 31, 2014
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