Not all credit cards are created equal. Of course there are important criteria such as APR rate, cash back points and annual fee that can be compared with each other objectively. But there are also intangible things like the ease of talking to costumer service.
The past holiday season, two of my credit cards were involved in the Target security breach where card numbers were stolen. One was my HSBC card and the other was my Chase card. Needless to say I called the costumer service of both cards and I found HSBC to be annoyingly difficult to deal with. Chase was a lot easier.
With HSBC card, it took forever to talk to a live person. So many requirements before I got transferred to a live person. And often, my call got disconnected while on wait. Then the costumer service people were outsourced to India or the Philippines. I had no problem understanding the Filipino english since I am Filipino but the Indian accent was really frustrating. I had to ask them to repeat what they said often. Also, the people I spoke with often have to keep on transferring me to the "right" representative before my needs were met. On top of that, logging on to check the HSBC card is more difficult.
With Chase Card, it only took 2-3 steps before I got connected to a live person. The wait was not horrendously long. And the people I spoke with were from the Midwest. I had no issue understanding them at all. If anything else, they might have to struggle understanding me. haha Often, my purpose for calling was resolved in no time and to my satisfaction. Logging on to check my Chase card was done through my online banking account which is a breeze.
So in conclusion, I am no longer using my HSBC card. I was completely vexed by them. More business for Chase card from me.