Sunday, July 27, 2014
我種下一顆種子 終於長出了果實今天是個偉大日子摘下星星送給你 拽下月亮送給你讓太陽每天為你升起變成蠟燭燃燒自己 只為照亮你把我一切都獻給你 只要你歡喜你讓我每個明天都 變得有意義生命雖短愛你永遠 不離不棄你是我的小呀小蘋果兒怎麼愛你都不嫌多紅紅的小臉兒溫暖我的心窩點亮我生命的火 火火火火你是我的小呀小蘋果兒就像天邊最美的雲朵春天又來到了花開滿山坡種下希望就會收穫從不覺得你討厭 你的一切都喜歡有你的每天都新鮮有你陽光更燦爛 有你黑夜不黑暗你是白雲我是藍天春天和你漫步在盛開的 花叢間夏天夜晚陪你一起看 星星眨眼秋天黃昏與你徜徉在 金色麥田冬天雪花飛舞有你 更加溫暖你是我的小呀小蘋果兒怎麼愛你都不嫌多紅紅的小臉兒溫暖我的心窩點亮我生命的火 火火火火你是我的小呀小蘋果兒就像天邊最美的雲朵春天又來到了花開滿山坡種下希望就會收穫你是我的小呀小蘋果兒怎麼愛你都不嫌多紅紅的小臉兒溫暖我的心窩點亮我生命的火 火火火火你是我的小呀小蘋果兒就像天邊最美的雲朵春天又來到了花開滿山坡種下希望就會收穫
Thursday, July 24, 2014
Unfriended in Facebook.
What does it mean to me to be "unfriended" in facebook. Well I guess it depends on how close I was to the person who unfriended me. If I barely know that person, it is no big deal. If I was close to that person, it is like being told that he/she does not want anything to do with me anymore. It can therefore be hurtful to my feelings.
As it happens, I just got unfriended by somebody I considered to be a close framily (friend and family). I discovered it accidentally so I was taken aback by his/her actions. And the only reason that I could think of for his/her action was my coming out in Facebook as an Atheist. I knew it was going to be unsettling for some to read some of my post that is contrary to their religious beliefs. And I am not going to be quite about my beliefs considering that everybody else on a daily basis post something about their religious beliefs. "Praise the lord...." "you have my prayers" "Jesus blah blah blah" etc. I put up with these declarations all the time. It is high time for them to see an opposing view once in a while. Facebook after all is a community of very diverse people with diverse beliefs and views.
I was hurt to see that he/she has to unfriend me just because I expressed my opinion on religion. I thought his/her action was too extreme and rather uncaring. After all, I do not go about antagonizing his/her religious views on his/her page or a common page we both belong to. All my post about my views on religion are only on my facebook page. I should not be censored on my page. Oh well, I suppose he/she was entitled to do what he/she wanted. Nothing much I can do but move on and let this not deter me from being true to myself. I am the one to face myself daily knowing that I had convictions on my beliefs.
As it happens, I just got unfriended by somebody I considered to be a close framily (friend and family). I discovered it accidentally so I was taken aback by his/her actions. And the only reason that I could think of for his/her action was my coming out in Facebook as an Atheist. I knew it was going to be unsettling for some to read some of my post that is contrary to their religious beliefs. And I am not going to be quite about my beliefs considering that everybody else on a daily basis post something about their religious beliefs. "Praise the lord...." "you have my prayers" "Jesus blah blah blah" etc. I put up with these declarations all the time. It is high time for them to see an opposing view once in a while. Facebook after all is a community of very diverse people with diverse beliefs and views.
I was hurt to see that he/she has to unfriend me just because I expressed my opinion on religion. I thought his/her action was too extreme and rather uncaring. After all, I do not go about antagonizing his/her religious views on his/her page or a common page we both belong to. All my post about my views on religion are only on my facebook page. I should not be censored on my page. Oh well, I suppose he/she was entitled to do what he/she wanted. Nothing much I can do but move on and let this not deter me from being true to myself. I am the one to face myself daily knowing that I had convictions on my beliefs.
Sunday, July 20, 2014
Wednesday, July 16, 2014
I'm still a friend to a Christian.
I got a text from a good
friend in Florida not too long ago. She mentioned something about what
she read in my blog. She did not mention anything about my being an
Atheist. It was her way of not discussing a topic that we have
diverging views on. She is a good Christian and I am an Atheist. It was
good of her to avoid the topic but more importantly, it was very open
minded of her to still keep me in list of friends despite my views on
her faith.
To be honest, I did not know how some of my friends and family in
Facebook would react to my "coming out" as an Atheist. I would be sad
if some of them "unfriend" me on account of my views. But at the same
time I was prepared for any reactions from them. So having expected the
worst, I was glad this friend did not cut me off her life considering
that she is a devout Christian.
Saturday, July 12, 2014
Tuesday, July 08, 2014
Destroy the creationist's argument in 5 minutes.
Here is a video that got quite a bit of attention of late from a creationist who claims to destroy evolution with his arguments in 3 minutes.
First off, he did not destroy evolution. He just proved to us that his reasoning if flawed and his scientific knowledge is limited. How are his arguments idiotic? Watch the video below.
First off, he did not destroy evolution. He just proved to us that his reasoning if flawed and his scientific knowledge is limited. How are his arguments idiotic? Watch the video below.
Friday, July 04, 2014
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