Thursday, July 31, 2008
Actions speak louder than words
This extends in the affairs of dating and relationship. It is my experience that lately, I have met several guys that are mostly just all talk. They say that I am so cute or that they want to be friends but they don't do anything to prove it. Countless failed invitation to hang out have I issued. No invite on their part to do something.
Perhaps they exaggerate or lie about what they say cause I believe if they really meant it, they would do something about it. That is all to it!
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Monday, July 28, 2008
my goldfish playing dead or sleeping?
Sunday, July 27, 2008
Duality of my feelings about the Cubs

In the past, I have gone to a handful of Cubs game and the experience was not at all unpleasant. In fact it was rather enjoyable. Beer and good company with friends/coworkers are always very agreeable. Just today, a guy I sort of like invited me to watch the Cubs game. And as in my past experience during the ballgame, I had a pleasant time. Watching the crowd roar with a home run, laughing with my friend, ogling the other cute guys, feeling the cool breeze of the fine summer day and drinking beer made it all pleasant enough.
So does this mean I like the Cubs now? Not for a long shot but let us just say my opinion of the Cubs improved with every pleasant experience I have with it.
PS. They won 9 to 6 against the Florida Marlins.
Saturday, July 26, 2008
Pet peeve - Fake frienster profiles
In friendster, I have the ability to see who viewed my profile. And I noticed that several "women" profile viewed my profile. Upon looking at their profile, it is so obvious that they are fake because they only have one very sexy picture, they are all like 25 years old and they try to direct you to click on their supposedly "other profile" in another webpage that is really a porn site requiring you to pay. Two of the fake profile even have the same picture in them. So obvious that it's a ploy to entice men to go to these naughty webpages. This is so very very very wrong and annoying. I am a gay man so what do I need looking at naughty pictures of fake bitches? Unfortunate, this is the reality of internet chat rooms or social networking websites. There will always be fake profile operated by "robots" "bots" or "spam". Sigh...ggrrr...
Thursday, July 24, 2008
Airplane crashes...or not?
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
What bored soldiers do (part 1)
Monday, July 21, 2008
Pro choice or Pro life?
I respect the woman's choice to carry the child or not. After all it is her body and she will be mostly affected by the pregnancy for 9 months. And you have to think about situations where there is rape involved. How can one subject the woman for 9 months to carry the child of a rapist? How about in instances where genetic testing clearly shows the child to be a very sickly one and will most likely not survive? Why suffer for 9 months when the child will die anyway? These are strong argument for the pro choice camp.
Now I am also for pro life too. And not at all for religious reason as most pro life would argue. I am for the choice of the child. If the woman has a choice to carry the child or not, then the child should have the choice to live or not. What's good for the goose is good for the gander. Well, not the best analogy but you get my meaning. And in most instances the woman made the decision to have sex without contraception, so she should stand by the result of that carnal pleasure.
So what is my middle ground for this? If the unborn child is healthy, I advocate for the woman to carry it and give up for adoption upon being born. There are plenty of good parents unable to conceive who can give that child a good life. More so if the pregnancy is the result of consenting unprotected sex between the man and woman. The man should compensate the woman for the duration of the pregnancy and give up the child for adoption if neither party wants it. That way, both parties get to be responsible for their actions.
Sunday, July 20, 2008
Gay pride parade videos
Friday, July 18, 2008
Too cheap to go to the movies?
Thursday, July 17, 2008
Monday, July 14, 2008
Michelle or Shizuka?
Michelle's Long program in the 2004 Nationals
Shizuka's Long program in the 2004 Worlds.
Sunday, July 13, 2008
Marty Thomas is my friend

(pic from
10 ways to kill yourself while biking.
10. Going through the stop sign without stopping or slowing.
9. Biking against the sun without sunglasses or hats.
8. Biking without a helmet on.
7. Biking on the side of the street with traffic against you.
6. Biking outside the bike lane.
5. Biking through red light.
4. Listening to your IPOD or IPhone while biking.
3. Ogling too much at the hotties and cuties.
2. Talking in the handheld cell phone.
1. Texting while biking.
Saturday, July 12, 2008
Overkill - opening the door
Friday, July 11, 2008
Thursday, July 10, 2008
Pet peeve - claiming gym machines
Tuesday, July 08, 2008
what's wrong with these people???
Monday, July 07, 2008
Tribute to the men in the Military.
Ice ice baby...
Sunday, July 06, 2008
Wimbledon, the conclusion

Next stop, the US Open.
(pics from yahoo sports page)
Friday, July 04, 2008
How it feels like to have a stroke...
Happy 4th of July.

(pic from wikipedia)