I can definitely appreciate a guy who loves his dog. In fact it is very endearing to see a guy with his best friend. But there is a fine line between a guy who loves his dog too much and a guy who is a dog lover. When a guy can not choose who to save between his parents and his dog in a hypothetical question of a sinking ship, then there is a problem. For me it is a no brainer. The people who gave you life, fed you and clothe you is chosen first before the dog. I would have understood it if the choice is between an evil killer/criminal and your loyal dog. I probably will choose the dog too. But to put your parents in the same league as the dog, that is just wrong. So what will happen if you date this guy and you don't get along with the dog? You will be out in the curb before the dog. In fact my friend Sam dated this kind of guy once. Dates were planned around the dog's schedule. He did not stay overnight because he did not want the dog to be left alone. He cut the date short cause it has been 2 hours already since he left the dog. Well thank God Sam did not end up with him. I would have rolled my eyes everytime I hear this kind of stories. And frankly, being second best to a dog is just too insulting.
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