Almost every news on TV lately have a segment on the death of Michael Jackson. In as much that I recognized his talent and brilliance as an artist, I can't help but scoff at the freak show that he became in the last 2 decades of his life. I liked him up until "Thriller". Then the over the top freak show came. The plastic surgerieS, whitening of his skin, straightening of his hair, mask wearing, pet chimp, animals in his compound, amusement park in his compound, frolicking with Macaulay Culkin/Elizabeth Taylor, getting white children to father and child molestation charges are all like a car wreak. I can't help but look despite of being repulsed. Unfortunately that is what I remember of him every time I hear news of his death. Somebody wise reminded me once that I should not judge a person cause I have not lived his/her life to know fully the circumstances. Wisely said indeed but the truth is, we all judge others. I am just blogging about it instead of keeping it to myself.
we were at a gay event last night and the speaker talked about coming out and how the closet creates victimizers and victims, and he said:" we buried one the other day". its surprising to me that almost no one is talking about how MJ was most likely a very lonely gay man who couldn't accept himself, and could only relate to children who usually don't judge. i don't think he was a child molester, just a sad closet case.
so many stories are surfacing lately. I don't know what to believe anymore.
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