Here are some statistics I found online on HIV/AIDS here in the USA. As to how recent they are, I do not know.
>African Americans account for 48% of new HIV infections.
>AIDS is the leading cause of death for African American women aged 25 to 34 and HIV rates among Hispanic women are increasing.
>The number of women living with HIV has tripled in the last two decades.
>At least half of all new infections are among people under the age of 25.
>Washington, DC has the highest HIV/AIDS prevalence rates in the United States - one in 20 people are living with HIV or AIDS.
The last time I tried to donate blood was several years ago and I was barred from donating because I have and had sex with other men. This was their policy then and I am not sure if they amended it lately. This was their policy despite of the fact that blood donated are checked for pathogens and diseases anyway. Considering the new statistics indicating that HIV infection in on the raise among heterosexuals, I do not know how wise this policy is. Also considering that homosexuals are probably more likely to get tested for sexually transmitted diseases compared to heterosexuals, I find this policy discriminatory.
So they do not want my blood? I say do I really care? I happen to be AB negative which roughly comprises only 0.6% of the worlds population. I would rather save my blood and energy. At least they probably need O negative more than my blood type so I let it be. Ded-mah!