In the Philippines, there is no divorce. So my parents who were separated remained married till the passing of my father. As part of the settlement my mom entered with my father for not slapping him with adultery/bigamy/concubinage charges, he was to transfer the farm and commercial lot in the city to my brother's and my name. Mom was afraid that my dad was going to give his properties to his other woman and his other children.
This recent visit of my mom revealed some information that struck a chord of betrayal from my father. I learned that prior to my dad's untimely passing, he was trying to sell the farm and the commercial lot in the city so he can finance his immigration plan to Canada with his other woman and their children. Fortunately he was unable to sell the properties otherwise my brothers and I would be left with nothing now. It is not like I am depending a lot on these inheritance nowadays cause I am financially stable, but the thought that he was willing to hang me dry with nothing upon his passing was very hurtful to take. Was I really that unimportant to him? Perhaps I should just comfort myself with the idea or delusion that somehow he will leave me with something if those properties that was suppose to go to me was unavailable anymore. I would never know the truth now but I can just believe that I still mattered to my dad to the day of his untimely demised.
Roland Garros 2020 Main Draw
4 years ago
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