"In a small town in 1967, plucky young sissy Phillip is about to celebrate his birthday at the beach cottage owned by his best friend Stan. All of Phillip's friends are gathered for the festivities, including Stan's hunky-but-impulsive boyfriend Billy, Billy's shy, nerdy cousin Joseph, Randall, the chain-smoking, bitter queen and Randall's boytoy of the day. Meanwhile, a horde of libidinous gay men - turned into ravenous flesh-eating zombies by toxic mosquitoes at a cruisy highway rest stop - are making their way towards our oblivious celebrants, eating every man in their path. One by one they are killed by the gay zombies in their attempt to get help, including the sexy cop, until only Phillip, Joseph and Stan are left. Joseph turned out to be the heroic type by protecting and helping Phillip escape. Just as they both are about to be eaten by the gay zombies, Stan comes out with Judy Garland blarring in the radio. The gay zombies, including the cheating gigolo boyfriend of Phillip, are restored back to their human form upon hearing this. In the end, Phillip brakes up with his boyfriend to be with Joseph. All is well in the end... Or is it?"
The story line alone is ridiculously outrageous and the acting over the top. The notion of gay zombies being repelled by a foul smelling men cologne and restored back to human form by Judy Garland song is just too campy. Add the scene where Stan used the dildos (Phillip's birthday gifts) to ward off the zombie is just too gay. The movies is in black and white and the production was obviously low budget but still it brought good laughs from me. A simple diverting way to spend an evening. 3 stars out of 5 I say.
Roland Garros 2020 Main Draw
4 years ago
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