I moderate comments in my blog cause I delete nasty comments. Pasadena dude commented on my
FOB English blog entry. He called me a snob and sanctioned me for finding humor with bad English. And for the record, I did admit in my blog that I can be a snob sometimes. He claimed that it was ironic for me to be laughing at people with bad English when my blog is full of grammatical errors. Sure I will admit that my blog is not free of rare grammatical errors but I definitely speak and write better English than a lot of those born, raised and educated in this country. Considering that English is not my first language, I think I am doing pretty damn good. Let him find any grammatical errors in this entry. Anyways, this guy did not even appear to have a blog and his comment was also grammatically incorrect. Seems like he is one of those overly opinionated people who hides behind the anonymity of the computer. The kind who has nothing better to do but criticized others and fail to see their own fault. Perhaps his lover can barely speak English. Who knows? He sure has a chip on his shoulder about my blog entry when it was meant to show humor more than anything else. I will give very little care about him after this entry. At least he gave me another idea on what to blog about. And he also showed me that the commenting aspect of my blog is working just fine. For a while there I thought nobody can make a comment on my blog anymore. Thanks Pasadena dude.