He says his favorite part is the face. So why does he obscure his face with his hand and a sunglass?
So he complains that ATHLETE76 did not unlock for him as agreed on after he unlocked for ATHLETE76. This is exactly the type of game he could have avoided had he just posted his face pic to begin with. This is the type of "unlock for unlock" game people play. It harkens to the days of AOL chat rooms when people play that "send to receive" game. I say serves him right for playing the game.
If we all have face pics in our profile, nobody has to be annoyed about asking to unlock. What is more annoying is the fact that this guy won't play fair. And to think he is supposedly looking for a relationship.
He asked "what is up with guys not putting their age on here?" I say "what is up with guys not putting their face on here?" Pot calling the kettle black.
He has a good point in saying that a guy who walks up to another with a paper bag over his head won't get a response. So why does he think his headless profile will get any attention from people? So based on his mentality that he will only unlock to people he likes, he can walk up around in a bar with a paper bag and will only unveil for those he likes.
This guy has done everything he could to hide his ethnicity. First, he conveniently omitted his race in his profile. Second, he conveniently hide his face that will reveal his ethnicity. Third, he used a sepia mode in his picture that will conveniently hide his skin tone that can reveal his ethnicity. Guess what, if his ethnicity is an issue for some people he tries to attract with his chest pic, it will still be an issue whether he reveals his race now or later after they chatted. And does he really want to attract a person who has race issue? His attempts to hide his race is a futile and pointless endeavor.