Wednesday, January 13, 2021

Half of the donut in a box.

 This is the donut box at work.  If you may notice on the top right corner of the box, somebody left half of the donut that they did not eat.  So who will take this half eaten donut now????  Nobody will take this half donut knowing all too well that is the remain of half eaten donut.  Even if this donut was cleanly halved, it will still remain uneaten.  So if you are one of those people who is avoiding eating the whole donut to cut back on the calorie intake, I say stop that annoying habit.  If you are really concern of calorie intake, then don't eat half a donut to begin with.  You are wasting food that somebody would have eaten if you did not annoyingly pinch off half of that donut.  Take the whole thing or don't take any of it.

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