Late last year, there was an anti-homosexuality bill introduced in Uganda. This bill has the following key provisions:
1. Gays and lesbians convicted of having gay sex would be sentenced, at minimum, to life in prison.
2. People who test positive for HIV may be executed.
3. Homosexuals who have sex with a minor, or engage in homosexual sex more than once, may also receive the death penalty.
4. The bill forbids the "promotion of homosexuality," which in effect bans organizations working in HIV and AIDS prevention.
5. Anyone who knows of homosexual activity taking place but does not report it would risk up to three years in prison.
This bill is nothing but a product of hatred and ignorance. It is plain idiotic and if passed, will lead to genocide. There is only one provision in the bill that I agree on. That is the punishing of those (homosexual or not) that engage in sex with minors. The rest of the bill are moronic.
For a nation where an estimated 940,000 people are living with HIV and a roughly 1.2 million children are orphaned by AIDS, this bill will only worsen the condition. If this bill gets passed, everybody will be too scared to get tested for HIV. Be it with the gay or straight population, HIV will spread. And to think that most international organizations has praised the way Uganda was able to effect a decline in HIV/AIDS infection these past couple of years, this bill will only be a step to the opposite direction.
And personally, this bill only diminishes my sympathy to the plight of the African nations. I will never part with my dollars for charitable works that will only help a stupid nation. They can all starve to death for all I care.
Roland Garros 2020 Main Draw
4 years ago
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