As my days here in Chicago come to an end, I think back to the past 2 years. It has been 2 years since I made up my mind to move to LA. The past two years was full of trials and difficulties that I patiently overcome to get to the point where I am today. Took a graduate class for my credentialing. Went through the process of getting my credentialing. Studied for and took an exam in CA jurisprudence for my CA licensure. And more importantly I patiently went through the process of selling my condo. Now I have a buyer and am very close to the end. I am very happy.
These past days I also think on how I got to the decision two years ago that I will move to CA. The obvious one is to be closer to family that matters. But there were other factors about my life here in Chicago that made me decide on it. I am over with Chicago for the following reasons.
1. The weather. If it is the the extreme cold, it is the snow that vexes me. And don't even get me started on the wind. It is often so windy that biking is just a pain. So windy that dumpsters and trash bins get blown and contents scattered. Super annoying.
2. My condo living situation is a far from pleasant. I am super hating my noisy neighbor thumping about at 1 in the morning. I don't care sharing a wall, floor or ceiling with anybody anymore.
3. My job sucks. The good jobs that I want are all in the suburbs which means I have to commute over two hours round trip everyday. And that is just not something I want to do. I have to contend with a lousy nursing home job in the city.
4. Cubs game traffic in my neighborhood is just super annoying. I do not care about baseball so I hate it when there are hoards of people in my neighborhood due to Cubs game.
5. The gay scene and dating for me has been nonexistent. Many gay guys have hang ups about dating an Asian guy and the ones that will date an Asian guy are taken. Too many Asians wanting to date non asian. All about supply and demand.
6. My social life is pretty lame too. I can only think of a handful of people that I will miss once I am gone. I have several friends but very few that I am really close with.
A lot of these reasons are things I did not mind before. But now that I am leaving, it just super annoys me. Bye bye Chicago.