What I have to say here will perhaps upset some of my family and friends but that has rarely stopped me from speaking my mind. So here it goes.
I have never been the religious type. I did not go to Catholic School so my Catholic upbringing is very weak at best. The more I got educated, the more I am convinced that organized religion as we know it is nothing more but a man-made notion. Since I do know enough of the eastern faiths, I will restrict my commentary on Christianity.
History tells us that it was the 3rd century after the death of Jesus when the Roman empire become Christian. It was Queen Helena who convinced Emperor Constantine I to convert to Christianity. There were many Christian sects practicing their own brand of Christianity that the so called Holy Bible that we know today did not even exist yet. Constantine I called all the Christian bishops/scholars of his empire to the council of Nicaea to decide on a common book for all Christians and to decide on the several belief systems of Christianity. At best, it was men who decided what we should believe today about Christianity. It was men who decided that several Christian books / texts were to be banned from the Bible. The patriarchal council excluded some texts that appeared to give women more role in the practice of Christianity. And even the texts that we know from the present day Bible are man made at best. It was not the actual disciple who wrote the chapters in the Bible that were attributed to them. It was the followers who passed on these biblical stories from generation to generation. And we know that facts changes a little bit each time it is passed on from person to person. So who is to say that the version we know today of these stories were not corrupted??? It was not as if Jesus himself wrote a book that was copied verbatim to the present day version that we know of. In fact I recently encountered an article written by a present day biblical scholar supporting exactly what I am claiming about the questionable authors of the bible that we know of today.
The more I learn about Christianity, the more I am less convinced of it being the absolute TRUTH. Christianity at best is a historical fact and not the truth of life and our existence. I would rather believe in LOGICAL thinking and facts supported by scientific truth than to blindly believe in faith. That is where I stand.
Roland Garros 2020 Main Draw
4 years ago
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