The notion of an Omnipotent good God that has control of all our lives and events here on Earth is just not logical. If God is truly good, why does he allow bad things to happen even to good pious people? Yeah yeah I have heard it many times that God is sending all these bad things to test us. That is just BS as far as I am concern. What I think really see happening is that all these bad things and good things that happen to good and bad people alike are a product of our actions and can sometimes be random.
Take my friend Jessica. She is a good catholic girl who married this very devote catholic man. They go to church and follows the teachings of the church. The husband even teaches Sunday school at their local parish. Very pious family indeed. My friend and her husband has one son and so far unable to have more. My friend have had several miscarriages. What I find hard to understand logically is why would a good God not bless this family with more kids. They are good parent and have the means to bring up good children. Yet God chooses to let my friend miscarry 5 of the pregnancies she had since her son. And yet God would allow other unfit mothers to have as many children that they can not care for properly. All seems too random. Well it is random cause there is likely no God that controls the events.
Roland Garros 2020 Main Draw
4 years ago
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