Tuesday, September 01, 2020

Parties during a pandemic

During the Covid 19 pandemic here in America, there are still people who are resistant to the government mandate of mask wearing, social distancing and no large gatherings.  Many Americans have politicize the science behind Covid.  These are mostly Trump Republicans who follow the lead of Donald and what he is saying.  Donald is such an idiot that he does not heed the advise of his administration's medical experts so we as a nation are not able to cut down our infection rate successfully.  Besides the Trump Republicans, there is a large segment of the young population who does not take Covid seriously.  They think it won't affect them since they are young so they go on with their hedonistic selfish behaviors of gathering in large parties without mask or going out to the beaches.  Every time I see a face book post of "gatherings", I cringe cause I know these are not helpful in curbing the infection.  I almost hope they get Covid and learn their lesson.  Even if one survives Covid, the sickness alone is very grave.  Days or weeks of hospitalization and even use of ventilators.  On top of that there is the blood clots, heart damage and kidney damage. I for one am going to self quarantine at home till at least we get a vaccine.  A vaccine is the glimmer of hope to get some protection from Covid.  I can't wait for it.

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