Sunday, March 10, 2013

Australia, the movie

The movie Australia came out in 2008 and I just saw it recently when I borrowed the DVD from the library.  Since it was free to borrow this DVD, I thought I should see it.  Big names the like of Hugh Jackman and Nicole Kidman were in it so I expected it to be decent.  It it proved itself to be an above average movie.  The location shoot was definitely very representative of the beautiful north countries of Australia.  Plus it helped that real Australian actors beside Nicole and Hugh were cast.  That made the accent very realistic indeed.  It was a pleasant surprise to see another Australian actor David Wenham in it.  I did like him in Van Helsing and LOTR movies (Two Towers and Return of the King).  The story was inspiring and moving but kinda long.  I thought the story would end when one conflict was resolved but lo and behold, the movie went on to resolve another conflict.  It was 2 hours and 31 minutes long!  So it felt like it dragged on and on.

This is an entertaining enough movie but not worth a room in my collection.  I would give it 2.75 stars out of 5.

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