Monday, April 19, 2010

Being indifferent to a sick coworker.

Once in a while, I get some vexations from my coworkers. This one particular coworker did something on a false assumption and she was defensive about her action. Also, her defense made her a hypocrite cause it was inconsistent with her past actions. So we had a confrontation of sort about what she did. That left me kind of annoyed with her. Normally we get along well enough but we are not really friends so to speak. Recently, she fell ill and have to take several days off even up to this day. Because of our recent altercation, I do not feel sorry that she is ill. Normally I would wish her to get well soon but in this instance, I just can not honestly say that I do. On the other hand I do not wish her to get sicker. I am just dead to any emotion about her illness. I am indifferent to whatever happens to her. It is not as if I caused her to get sick nor does my feelings have any bearing on her illness so I am quite at peace with myself being indifferent about her situation.

Does it make me a bad person for being indifferent about her situation? I dare declare not. I am just being human and being honest about myself.

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