Thursday, September 15, 2011

Ernie told Mary

2 months ago, Ernie and I had a quarrel over the dropping of his camera. The way he blamed me completely for the incident without taking responsibility for his own fault to the incident did not sit well with me. It was his condescending manner of lecturing me that I am not refined and that I am a grabber, with a hint of superiority that he is better and more refined. Needless to say, I took a break from him. You need that sometimes.

One time I was with our mutual friend Mary and I had to borrow her camera cause I forgot mine. Mary jokingly said to be careful and not drop the camera cause I know the consequence. It became obvious to me that Ernie talked to Mary about our quarrel over the camera incident. So if he talked to Mary about it, God knows who else he talked to about it. If he can talk to our friends and acquaintances about me, then I feel much better blogging about it. At least in my blog I did not reveal his true identity so anybody who does not know about our quarrel won't even know it was him I am blogging about. So if he told others about it and they read my blog, then it is his fault for talking about it cause I did not drag anybody into our quarrel.

I just need to get my frustration out.

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