Sunday, January 09, 2011

5 good things about Fox network.

In my opinion, there are only 5 things good about the Fox network. I normally do not like this network specially their news and political shows. The 5 good things about the fox network are the following.

1. Glee. By far the best thing that fox came up with it. And this is the only show that I consistently watch.

2. The Simpsons. I have loved this show since it first premiered. I still watch it if I catches it but do not consistently wait for it.

3. Family Guy. Another adult based animation that I enjoy watching once in a while.

4. American Idol. Entertaining and I have followed two of the older seasons. Not sure if I will get hooked this time.

5. The Chicago Code. Chicago based cop show that I honestly have not seen but something that I am curious about. Watching it for the Chicago setting could be interesting.

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