I have learnt in the past several years as I got older that friendship evolves. Some friendship grow stronger and some goes south a little or completely. I have seen it happen in people I know and I am not surprise that some of my friendship evolved too. I have 3 situations of friendship that has gone from good friendship to something less.
I have cut off a friend once because he was just a bad friend. He would never answer his call nor return my calls. I did not expect that we talked every night or even every month but once in a while I would make an effort to keep in touch and call him. But of course my calls remained unanswered and unreturned. And once I texted him about my birthday party and he texted back that he is coming. On the day before my party, I called him again and left a message to remind him of my party. He never showed up and when I called him later to check up why, I got no where. So I decided to just cut him off. I deleted his number from my phone and did not accept his Facebook friend's request. What is the point? I do not need friends who does not put in any effort in the so called friendship.
In another situation with a friend, I decided to take a break from this friend. He just got too bossy at times and he just started to get on my nerves. Of course it did not help that there was an incident that broke the camel's back for me. So now I just avoid him. I am friendly when I hang out in a group with him but I just won't make an effort to see him. I would make an excuse as much as possible to not see him and it works just fine with me. We use to be better friends but now I just think of him as an acquaintance that I am friendly with in social situations.
And I used to have a very good friend that I used to spend lots of time with. But he got a BF and he got sick too so we saw less of each other. I understand how his BF and illness would get presidence over our friendship but when I noticed that he seems to prefer the company of his new friends over me, then I got the picture that we are not as good of a friend as we were. I still consider him a friend but not the best friend that he was. I have lesser expectations from him and that seems to work better with our relationship.
My own experiences with my friends made me think more about friendship. As we get older, do we put up less and less about friends that disappoint or annoy us. Is it a product of more wisdom that makes us tolerate less of the so called dramas that comes with friendship? I wonder cause certainly I see it happen to me.
Roland Garros 2020 Main Draw
4 years ago
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