Saturday, July 28, 2012

London Opening ceremony was a bust.

It has been said that no nation can match or surpass what China did for the opening ceremony during the 2008 Summer Olympics.

And after watching the opening ceremony at the 2012 London Summer Olympic, I can totally agree with that observation. I was actually bored watching the London opening ceremony. Sure there were high moments like seeing the Queen participate and during the parade of nations but the middle part was generally chaotic and unimpressive. If I was an audience in the stadium, I would not know where to look. And if I did look at the right spot, the distance from the seats to the performance would be vast that I may not see clearly what the performers were doing. Even watching the TV where I was shown to where the action is was confusing. Too many individual performance that seems to be the storyline of the performance. On the bright side, the technology involved was sort of catchy.

Badly done London.

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