Wednesday, November 26, 2008

I am Thankful for...

Have a happy and good Thanksgiving everybody! I personally hardly celebrate this holiday. I was born and raised abroad so Thanksgiving was not something I grew up celebrating. Nonetheless, there are things I want to be thankful for. Here are the things I am thankful for.

- My stable financial situation despite the bad market condition lately.
- The recent good health of my friends (Caitlin St. James and Lady Jazmin) after bouts of serious illness.
- My good health despite some minor problems once in a while.
- My family ,namely mom and some cousins, who have been supportive and understanding of me as a gay man.
- My good job. It is not the greatest but things are well enough.
- My mental health which allows me to write this blog.
- My mom's relative good health for being 69 years old.


Lani said...

Thanks Jon! I thank God for friends like you. Kathleen St. James (actually Caitlin)

Jon said...

ops, i corrected it ta lani. hehe. i used your nom de plume for privacy (in case it matters). and you are very very welcome.