Wednesday, August 26, 2009

17 again.

When 17 again came out on DVD, I made sure I had it on my priority queue in netflix. 17 again is a movie about a guy who wished he was able to relive his life when he was 17 years old. For such a simple premise/story line. 17 again was delightful. It made me laugh and teary eyed all in a good way. Of course it helped a lot that Zac Effron was the lead star. Definitely very cougay of me to lust for him. hahaha He is such a pretty boy rather than ruggedly handsome.


Cecilia said...

We also watched "17 Again" recently and realized that Zac can act! Of course, his good looks definitely helped. ;) Sometimes all we need this type of a movie to entertain us.

Jon said...

i could not agree more!

Matt in Minnesota said...

I agree with you about Zac's looks. I'm pretty sweet on him too. :) And thanks for the movie recommendation. I will check it out.