Wednesday, February 03, 2010

Avatar was not a disappointment at all

Everybody hyped about this movie so I was reluctant to watch it. As it was in the past, the much hyped show almost always fall short of my expectation and I end up getting disappointed. But I must admit Avatar pleasantly surprised me. The story was simple but effective in evoking strong emotions in me. The story operates in the proven formula of good triumph over evil. Righteousness prevail over greed. The underdog defeats the mighty. It is about a lost soul finding his place and finding love along the way. So who would not like that story? And of course it does help a lot that Sigourney Weaver always give a stellar performance and Sam Worthington is super hunky cute. And what really made the movie positively entertaining and awe inspiring was the special effects. Everything looked so crisp and real with the 3D. I heard they will do a sequel so I am psyched about it.

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