I am acquainted with a Filipino guy whom we can call Pedro. He is about 5'6" and neither thin or fat. I venture to say around 25% body fat. Dark smooth skinned and varying length of black hair from the many occasions I have bumped into him. He is quite ordinary looking in my book. Definitely not a head turner for me. Except for those occasion that I chuckle at his outfit. But there is something else I have noticed about Pedro. He seems to be that type of guy who exudes confidence. The way he moves or acts all gave me an impression that he thinks he is so hot or good looking. He got some attitude. Call it false sense of excessive self admiration. Call it narcissistic Dorian Gray phenomenon. But whatever it is he is always with some guy or bunch of guys. So is it his self confidence that earned him his lovers or friends? Or is it just because they all seem to be "ecstasy" popping party going label whores? Who knows but I find it hard to believe that most of those men think he is that Hot. Perhaps I am just jealous but that is not my point. My point is do I have to be like him to have men in my life? Certainly I don't want to be going to every circuit party or rave party popping or sniffing party drugs. Certainly I don't want to be so preoccupied with buying Prada, Gucci or D&G that I begin to fail to see that some of those clothes don't look flattering on me at all. Or is it just that I need to have more self confidence? After all self confidence is attractive to many guys. Definitely something to ponder more on.
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