Summer means...
- more outdoor smoking for me when I go out drinking/clubbing. I smoke a stick or two when I drink. And it's too damn cold to step out and smoke in the winter.
- showering with the bathroom door open. I live alone. :-/
- more road rage from the traffic caused by the stupid Cubs game.
- more stupid cyclists/bikers insisting on biking at a major roads (Ashland Avenue) that does not have a designated bike lane. There are better ways to kill yourself. Just keep me out of it.
- longer day light for more biking for me on small neighborhood streets or major roads with a designated bike lane.
- leaner me from all the biking to and from the gym.
- waking up not shivering from feeling cold. I am always cold first thing in the morning.
- more school age folks in downtown Chicago. Not sure if I like or hate that.
- turning the TV volume up cause I can't hear it from the humming/vibrating of the air conditioner.
- eating more deep fried food. I only bring the fryer out in the summer when I can open the windows.
- more eye candy from the hot shirtless men outdoors. Olala!
- more gross me out sights from the fugly shirtless men outdoors. Put that shirt back on!
- more dust indoors since the windows will be open mostly. Where is that sweeper duster?
- more drinking with daylight. I almost always drink only when it's dark out.
- less dry skin which means less prickly winter itch when I feel warm. yey!
- outdoor BBQ of marinated pork meat.
- stinkier doggie poop outdoor. Damn you irresponsible dog owners.
What does summer means for you?
Roland Garros 2020 Main Draw
4 years ago
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