Thursday, November 19, 2009

It would be most gratifying to...

- see that self important bitch too busy ranting on the cell phone about Bradgelina gets run over by a car and twist her ankle while crossing a "don't walk" light.

- see that asshole in his Hummer, who is speeding and cutting everybody off dangerously, swerve and hit a tree resulting to a 5 year coma.

- see that lazy selfish jerk who does not pick up his pug's shit actually step on a dog shit and ruin his most expensive valentino shoes.

- see that jerk, who constantly overtake from the right side when the light turns green, to get into a head-on with a street pole and sustain a big black eye.

- see that cheat who constantly copies the answer from his seatmate to actually copy the wrong answer and get an F.

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