Sunday, November 08, 2009

traditional roles = inequalities

There are certain traditional roles Men and Women still assume in present day western culture. These traditional roles comes with inequality between the sexes. Some of these roles and inequality favors one sex over the other.

Chivalry for instance favors the women. Men opens the door for women. They give their coat to women if the weather is cold. In a sinking boat, women are expected to be saved first over men. Men are expected to pay for the date and buy women engagement rings.

Of course we know that there are many things that favors the men. Men gets to be figure head of authority and power. Men gets paid more in most industries. Men gets respect easier in business.

We all know that these traditional roles and inequalities are changing. Women now sometimes initiate dates and pay for dates. Many women are now figure of authority at work and government.

But I wonder if I will live to see the day when men and women are truly equal in everything. And when that day comes, will the traditional roles that favors one sex be a thing of the past? Cause true equality can't favor one gender over the other. In simpler terms, women shall be treated equally to men in everything and that chivalry or "put a ring on it" should be buried six feet under.

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