Monday, March 17, 2008

pet peeve - I'm stuck behind them

Trust me, driving is a good source of vexations. Another pet peeve of mine is drivers who don't signal to make a left turn till they are in the intersection stopped and waiting. Then what happens, you are stuck behind them cause you did not know they are turning left. Had they signaled an impending left turn, you would have anticipated it and go around them on the right lane. It is either they don't know that they need to signal before reaching the intersection, or they are too distracted, or they just don't care. Which reason is the worst?


Yenoviv said...

What about the drivers who speed up once you put on your clicker to turn? They were clearly behind you and you are just signaling to turn then out of nowhere they speed up so you can't turn.

Jon said...

just another vexations gen. sigh