Saturday, March 22, 2008

Snow blog

It is just my observation, but this winter season of 07-08 has seen a lot of snow days. I could not remember a more frequent snow days in Chicago since I moved here in 1993. Although for the record, the January 1-3, 1999 blizzard dumped a good 21.6 inches of snow to Chicago. It was ranked as 2nd only to the 1967 blizzard which dumped 23 inches. I remember that 1999 blizzard. My bf then and I just came back from a New Year's Eve party when it really started to pour down. He stayed over at my place that night and was stranded with me for the next day or two. We have to dig his car out 2 days later. Yesterday and last night we have seen a good 6-7 inches again. The temperature has been relatively warm today that a lot of the snow is melting fast. Pictures below show a view from one of my windows at 11 in the morning and then at 2 in the afternoon today. Much of the heavy wet snow has melted already. Could this be Chicago's last snow fall? Stranger things has happened.

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