I have always been a pragmatic person. And on top of that I am environment conscious. I recycle papers/cans/bottles, I use reusables instead of disposables, I try my best to save energy by turning appliance/lights off when not needed. Considering that I am not as likely to procreate, I sometimes wonder why I bother to save mother earth. Then I remember my little godsons who I want to have a clean earth to live in. Having said all that, one thing that I truly detest seeing in the city is a Hummer. Critics might say I am just sour grapes cause I can't afford it. Trust me, I can if I want to. For city driving where you can't really do off roading, where the streets are plowed well enough in winter, where the public parking spaces are limited, where some side streets could bearly fit two regular cars side by side, driving a Hummer does not really serve any good purpose except to flaunt the wealth of the owner. In Europe gas are very expensive so the trend is for smaller efficient cars. Here in the US, we have a bigger is better mentality sometimes. These huge gas guzzlers that was popular in the 80's,90's and early 2000 has fueled our dependency to fossil fuel. This dependency has influenced our government's foreign/middle east policies and decisions. Do I need to connect the dots to the war on Iraq? So every time I see a Hummer in the city, I give them a dirty look. I know it probably does not do anything but I somehow hope the owner can realize the folly of their extravagance. SAY NO TO THE HUMMER!!!
(pic from wikipedia)
Again, it all boils down to not feeling responsible, this time towards each other. These Humvee owners do not consider the impact of their actions on Mother Earth, much less on future generations.
Join me Ta Lani, in giving them a dirty look! haha
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