Monday, February 11, 2008

Smoking ban in Chicago

The latest ban on smoking in all public places in Chicago is viewed by many as a good thing. After all, the medical evidence against smoking is overwhelming that one can not ignore it. Still there are people who chooses to smoke. Since I am all about choice, I think it is the american way to give smoker the choice to smoke without harming others. There should be public places (bar, restaurants, etc) that are classified as smoking places so smokers can go there. Those who do not mind the smoke or smokers can seek employment in those places. If non-smokers chooses to go to smoking places, they should put up with the smoke. Non-smokers may argue that smokers have a choice to step outside to smoke. Not very practical during harsh weather conditions though. But if there were smoking places, non-smokers will have that same choice to step outside or avoid that place entirely. That is the fair thing to do rather than ban smoking in all public places and hamper smoker's rights to smoke. That way both smokers and non-smokers are satisfied.

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